3 minutes reading time (583 words)

Regimen for the month of Bhadarva


Sarvajan Sukhaya Sarvajan Hitaya cha- May everyone be happy and May everyone Benefit

The month of Bhadarva/ Bhado: End of the monsoon. 22nd August 2017- 20th Sept 2017 

Some tips as per season- Rtucharya:
Falling in Dakshinaya (movement of the sun to the southern hemisphere), the month of Bhadarva, teamed with Shravan is part of the Varsha(Rainy) rtu-season (Zodiacal degree- 91 to 150 and in cancer and Leo). Bhadarva brings the end of the monsoon and a beginning to Autumn(sharad) season.
With intermittent scanty rains the daytime is subject to blazing hot sun and and the late night begins to cool enough to necessitate a light cover over the body. Ayurveda states that, during the monsoon, Pitta collects together and during autumn, it rises. This leads to fevers. My grandmother (all of 97 years young) maintains that 'bhadarva no tadko badhu maare'. The sun of Bhadarva is sufficient to kill everything. I have deduced that this is due to the higher uv radition of the sun shining strong through the clouds and this is the time to put out household items like bedding, stored clothes and kitchen groceries that have sustained the mouldy monsoon into the blazing heat of the sun.
There are a few grandmothers home remedies to stay safe from the hot sun of Bhado and protect from fevers:

1) Every night of Bhado, 2-3 tablets of Sudarshan ghanvati(Ayurvedic medication)are to be taken, not earlier than three hours after dinner. This will protect from fever and build immunity too.

2) Take kheer made with rice and milk and misri (crystal sugar). Sweet milk is the best destroyer of Pitta and especially so when sweeeted with crystallised (natural) sugar which is in nature, cooling.
Thus, the latter part of the month of Bhado, from full moon to dark moon is dedicated to Shraadh- the days of commemoration feast to the forefathers where kheer is an essential offering made and partaken. In India, so intricately woven is the kitchen and custom with the laws of Ayurveda, season and moon phases.

3) At mid day, eat bananas. Especially those that have spots on the skin-Add powdered crystal sugar and if you wish, add some ghee as well. Ghee will make this heavy to digest and hence, a couple of powdered cardamom can be added to make digestion easier. Would there be anybody who wouldn't enjoy such a treat with fresh chapatti?
To stay within the laws of viruddh aahar- opposing food combinations, do not combine the kheer and banana treat at the same meal. Kheer could be postponed to dinner.

4) Never ever have sour buttermilk during bhado. Buttermilk is to be avoided during this month.

5) Early mornings and evenings, sufficiently heavy exercise like brisk walking or dynamic surya namaskara should be undertaken to induce sweating.

As this month is within the Chatur Maas (Four months of sleep of Vishnu), it is ordained to take three baths a day. Although Hinduism is called a religion, it falls within the realm of scientifically sound Sanatana dharma- a way of life where rituals are created in sync with nature.
The next month will be Ashwin which is within the Sharad (Autumn) rtu season.
The Acharyas have called sharad rtu the mother of diseases: Rogaanaam Shardi Maata. And also go as far as referring to the doors of the god of death. A popular blessing among Indian traditions is: Shatam Jeev Sharadaha. Meaning that May you see a hundred Sharad seasons- implying that may you be as healthy as to defy a hundred of the deadliest of seasons.



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